Holy Cow am I behind! I'll get right on some new photos but first I must share some news in my life. I just got engaged!! Ok, so it happened on last tuesdays rainy afternoon, but I had to share the exciting news!!!! I can't wait to be with this man for the rest of my life, I feel like the luckiest woman alive!
We all have those friends that never take a bad photo (and we secretly hold it against them). Meet Jillian, she is one of them. I have never had such a hard time editing a session before this one! Jillian is a senior at Ankeny, she is a football cheerleader and also plays tennis. She spent 8 weeks living in New York this summer pursuing her passion. She is so cute and beyond her years in how she carries herself, oh and she gets the cutest giggle when she looks at her mom. Jillian also came up with this great idea, if you shoot with me you can use my deer named Seymour, next year we'll have sea lions. (kidding, I don't own a deer)
Nickie is another one from Waukee and just as darling as can be. Nickie is in show choir. I also discovered she got her dog, Patches, from the Humane Society and I thought that was wonderful. I'm a bit partial to those who rescue since we all know Larry came to me from the ARL. Nickie got the third day of straight heat, I think the temp topped out with humidity at about 106 that day. Regardless of the heat, her photos are amazing.
Another hot day for me, Kindra didn't seem to mind since she's a lifeguard and spends her days in the heat, I think I was groaning about it more then she was. Kindra had some absolutely hysterical stories! She is another painter and a singer on top of that. I have met some amazing seniors this year everyone has been so creative. Kindra is spending this year finishing up at SE Polk then is off to Wartburg.
Meet Nick, he is a senior at Dowling this year and quite the character! It was great, he came with all sorts of ideas. We really wanted to go to the zoo but the day we shot it was 104 degrees so we decided against it. He did bring a cool poster and brought me to this great place to shoot, thanks for the new spot Nick. He is a guitarist/lyricist as well as a painter. He plays guitar and adds a little funk to his high school band called The Peoples Sound of the Republic. here is is talking about his band
Jason and I recently took a quick trip to Maryland to visit Dave and Liz, some of Jasons friends from when he was in school in Maine. While we were there we spent the night on the water on the boat and this beautiful storm rolled in. I took a few photos and thought I would share. It was quite the challenge trying to take some photos of lightening in the pitch-black night, with winds gusting and the boat rocking!
I had no idea that Superman in his younger years wore his cape, underwear, and cowboy boots. Today I met the future savior of our planet, its true. Carter was all over the Superman costume today and showing his muscles to me. I had so much fun I want to take him outside and shoot him in full costume with the city he is going to save. He also brought along his handsome baby brother, Conley, whom I believe will be his inspiration to save the world. Conley isn't too into saving the world quite yet; he is more concerned with making sure those pesky hats stay off his head.
meet the little man, Cole. Cole didn't quite know what to think of me when during our session. He had such a sober face the whole time, until he discovered how funny it was to stick his finger in his nose! He would sit there, look around and then jam a finger up his nose and when his mom would pull it out he would laugh and laugh. He also loved it when mom would make this rabbit face at him. I often wish I had a camera mounted to the back of my head so I could see what is going on behind me between mom and dad!
I am starting to shoot more and more seniors, and having a lot of fun doing it! This is Kate, she will be a senior at Dowling next year. We started off at the studio then decided to head to her favorite park. We thought that would be the perfect place to finish up her session. Kate loves to paint on huge canvases, I have to admit after spending a few hours with her I would love to see what she paints, she has such a great personality and is such an easy going person.
this is sweet Hannah. She is about 6 months old here and cute as a button. She was in such a great mood during our shoot and just has the sweetest face!
all images on this blog and on my attached website are a copyright of paige peterson photography, paige peterson, and any other photographer (where noted). This copyright is per USC Title 17. Please do not use or copy any images without my written permission.