As you can see, this shoot is from a long time ago. Note the short sleeves. It is 5 degrees out right now. Yes, 5 whole degrees. This is the time of year I question exactly why I live here or if I'm just crazy. Then spring comes around and my questions are all answered. I just wish spring would hurry it up a bit! Anyways, I loved the pictures from this shoot and wanted to share. Carson is such an energetic guy who takes great photos. See for yourself....
This is sweet Sofia Bella Natale. Her name literally means 'Beautiful Christmas' in Italian. She was, as her parents put it, their greatest gift. She is 5 weeks old in these photos and she was wide awake for the whole thing.
Jason and I are so happy for the two of you. We love you both and know you will be amazing parents and we love the little gift of joy you've brought into this world. We can't wait to see you all in Chicago!
Meet Little Reese. Reese is now 3 months old, these are a few photos from when she was just a few weeks old. Her mom is another friend of mine from high school. It is amazing, so many babies are being born and there are lots more on the way! Life changes so fast! I remember when all of us where excited to get our drivers license, now we are getting married and having babies. I am so happy Reese is here and healthy, she is another one we will all have to watch grow. She looks a lot like her dad in these pictures.
I hope you all remember Finley Quinn. She was born on St. Patty's day 2007, her mom is my dear friend. She is now just over 9 months old and moving all over the place! These are a few photos from her 6 month session. She is so beautiful. I love you little Finley, and love watching you grow.
"Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'grow, grow."
I have been really bad. I haven't posted anything in months. My friend Meredith loves to bring this to my attention! So, I decided today was the day to start updating the blog. So after fighting with the blog system most of the morning I have posted a few new things. I have lots more to come! I have been working hard on my "to do" list that seems to be never ending and on my new website that will hopefully be launching very soon. yipppeee!!! I'll post when it goes live, I'm very excited! I hope everyone had a great holiday and your new year has already been blessed with family, friends, love and laughter. This is going to be a great year.
This wedding was so full of details and tokens of love. He built the structure they got married between and turned it into their bedposts. They had grass where they stood so they could be married in bare feet. So they could feel the grass between their toes in the cold November. Her dress was her GRANDmothers who was married in 1942. They wrote their own vows where they told each other that they are each others bluest skies. It was so beautiful, yet so simple, it was so Bridget. These two are love. They look at each other and smile, they laugh with all their heart and love all that surrounds them. Congratulations you two, we love you both and wish you all the love and joy you can stand.
I love my job. I love that I get to see kids every year and see how much they've grown and see their personalities evolve. I love that I get to spend a few hours at every shoot tapping into the inner kid in me. I've been shooting Marea and Vinny for a few years now. I first shot Vinny when he was just 1 and Marea when she was only a few weeks old. I get to see these two every year for their yearly photo shoot. Sometimes when you see kids every year they know who you are and what your up to so they turn their little backs and just say 'no'. However, they always loosen up....
These two girls and their funky tights are too cute for words. The family (and the dog) piled in the car from the Kansas City area to make the drive up here for the shoot. They were so happy and so excited to be out of the car they were grinning from one ear to the other. Made my job easy! It was a bit chilly that day, but the colors were amazing! I can't wait to see you all again!
all images on this blog and on my attached website are a copyright of paige peterson photography, paige peterson, and any other photographer (where noted). This copyright is per USC Title 17. Please do not use or copy any images without my written permission.