Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Too long

I have been really bad.
I haven't posted anything in months. My friend Meredith loves to bring this to my attention! So, I decided today was the day to start updating the blog. So after fighting with the blog system most of the morning I have posted a few new things. I have lots more to come! I have been working hard on my "to do" list that seems to be never ending and on my new website that will hopefully be launching very soon. yipppeee!!! I'll post when it goes live, I'm very excited! I hope everyone had a great holiday and your new year has already been blessed with family, friends, love and laughter.
This is going to be a great year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paige your work is SO WONDERFUL!! Thank you for up-dating your blog for all of us that love to look at it!!