These two are very sweet together. They will be getting married next year and wanted to get some engagement photos done now. We met up during the Art Festival downtown and then headed to the park. Ben is in med school and on top of that is a lover of magic. When he popped the question he was in front of all of her friends and did a slight of hand magic trick with a rose that produced the ring!! I thought that was pretty unique! I love to hear the stories of how people met and how they got engaged, they are usually so unique and fun. I also understand that her Grandparents had never seen him until they saw the photos from the engagement session, they approved! Best of luck to the both of you in your upcoming life together and I hope you have a marvelous wedding.
This little man is getting cuter and cuter by the minute. He has amazing dark skin and dark eyes and a wide mouth smile that you can't help but smile back at. He is adorable, and a little prep to boot! That would be momma's doing. Grayling came down to see me about a month ago so we could do some 3 month photos at the studio. He smiled and giggled the whole time, except for a little bit when he needed a fresh change! I'd be quite mad too! Nikki has fallen right into the mom mode of her life and it is a beautiful thing to see. I can't wait to still be friends with Nikki in another 28 years and see Gray grow up. It is a blessing to have my job and I truly do love watching my friends lives unfold. love you both!
I love this little guys name. Ronan. Sounds like he would have been friends with Zeus back in the day. A ruler of some sort, god of prairie flowers. Ok, sorry. I'm suffering from a summer cold and I think it is going straight to my brain. This Ronan is six months old and in love with flowers! We had a little mix up at the park, I was waiting by the pond, they were up cruising the rose garden. Once we met up and got things going it was all fun from there. I really loved how when he got his chubby little hands on a flower he was often times more enthralled by the stem then the colorful petals, either way they made him bounce with excitement! It was a joy meeting all of you and I hope to see you again in the future so I can see how Ronan has grown!
I am loving all these little boys I am getting recently! It is making me want one of my own! Meet Charlie and Oliver, two more beautiful boys sporting the long hair. I'm rather obsessed with little boys with long hair, I love it. I'll probably mention that every time I have a session like this. Oh well, get used to it I guess. Anyways, I got to the park and it was one of those hot, hot days where the air itself is thick. They were being so good, I couldn't have asked for it to start off any better. Well, with that mentioned, I had to wait 15 minutes or so for my camera to de-fog from the heat! It's so annoying when this happens. Once the lens fog was finally gone I got some beautiful shots of them. They were so good and so happy the whole time.
all images on this blog and on my attached website are a copyright of paige peterson photography, paige peterson, and any other photographer (where noted). This copyright is per USC Title 17. Please do not use or copy any images without my written permission.